Things to know before buying a gel blaster in Australia!

Broken Containment
3 min readMay 2, 2021

Australia has very strict laws for firearms. But not so long ago a law was made that gelblasters were legal in some states. Everyone wanted one but never knew where to start. People would usually pay $400 for a sportline blaster that would only for a few months after the purchase.

If you are thinking of buying a gel blaster, here’s the things you need to remember first.

  • Are gel blasters legal in my state.
  • What gel blaster should I get as a beginner?
  • Am I doing this for a sport or for some fun in the backyard?
  • Will Australian customs allow it through shipping?
  • Can it be easily mistaken as a real firearm?
  • Do I know the laws for gel blasters if they are legal in my state?

Are gel blasters legal in my state?

Gel blasters are a whole heap of fun, especially for young adults. But are gel blasters legal in my state? Well luckily you’ve got Google because this website can tell you (information can be outdated or wrong):,Tasmania%20and%20now%20South%20Australia.

What gel blaster should I get as a beginner?

Almost every gel blaster sellers recommend the M4A1 for usually $150. Its a great price of a automatic battery powered blaster that can hold more than 50 gel balls in the magazine. Though, I would usually recommend something cheaper like the Glock G26 ($35) or the M27 Sniper rifle ($75). I recommend these because when your a beginner, you don’t have enough knowledge to know how long this hobby will last. Nobody wants to start confused on their own hobby.

Am I doing this for a sport or for some fun in the backyard?

Well if you doing this as a sport, prepare to spend a lot of money on equipment. Gel blasters are fun, but sometimes they break or crack. Learning how to repair your blasters is what’s needed for sport as your going to be running and taking cover quite a bit.

If your doing this for some fun in the backyard like me. Then a simple gel blaster is great. If you like shooting at a fence, sibling or friend then a backyard fight is what your going to love best.

Will Australian customs allow it through shipping?

Well it depends on what your sending through. Australia customs will allow any gel blaster with an safety tip or type where you build the gel blaster from the box. Do not be worried though, as customs allow almost every gel blaster through.

Can it be easily mistaken as a real firearm?

If it can, keep it on a private property. Do NOT carry any gel blasters while in public otherwise you could be sentenced to prison.

Do I know the laws for gel blasters if they are legal in my state?

Make sure that you know the laws of gel blasters for your state otherwise you could be breaking the law. The two most common laws of gel blasters are carrying a hidden imitation firearm or gel blaster in public (2 years imprisonment) and pointing and firing a imitation firearm or gel blaster at someone without their permission (5–7 years imprisonment).

In conclusion, gel blasters are a great toy but you should always look out for the laws and the future. If I helped you out in this article, send it to someone who needs help aswell.




Broken Containment

"Dr Bright, why do you have a chainsaw cannon in 682's contaiment cell" -Doctor Containment.